
As we grow older, we can observe some obvious changes inside our body, our body turns out to be vulnerable to some deteriorative modifications, especially in bones, important joints and the spine. This change or modification is mainly caused by several inflammations in the joints and vertebrae of the spine.

This spine gives us strength and flexibility to perform free movements, strenuous day to day works, it also provides strength as well as assistance for the rest of the body along with the specific focus on the large bony fragments of the skull.

With the passage of time, the spinal or vertebral column may show several complications like decalcification of the bony structures, loss of shock -absorbing ability, dryness of the intervertebral disks, chronic inflammation of the spine etc. Among them one of the most common complications is SPONDYLITIS.

  • SPONDYLITIS is defined as an inflammatory condition in the vertebral column, which is basically another type of arthritis or known as ‘spondylarthrosis’, seen mainly in the fifth decade of life.
  • Spondylitis is an autoimmune disease, characterized by stiffness and pain which affects the vertebrae and facet joints of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical (neck) regions of the spine, and the Sacroiliac joint (connects the sacrum to the pelvis).
  • It sometimes occurs due to some wear and tear of the cartilaginous joints and bones around the neck.

Long-term or chronic inflammation of the spine can lead to a breakdown of the intervertebral disk of the spine which is known as DDD or Disk degenerative disease.

It also can cause spinal stenosis where the spinal canal become narrow, observed mostly in the old age.

Another symptom is vertebral disc herniation or referred as the slipped disc; a medical condition affecting the spine in which a there is an injury in the outer bony structure, fibrous ring of an intervertebral disc through which the inner, central, jelly-like soft material tends to bulge out.


According to reports men are more prone to spondylitis than women, though it generally happens in the later decades. There has been a sudden increase in the incidence of spondylitis.

In INDIA young adults aged between 20-30 are getting affected and the ratio is almost 1:100.


In Spondylitis, there is inflammation in the lower part of the spine, including the vertebral bony structures and the joints between them. Know more


The most common symptoms of spondylitis include.

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spondylitis is a degenerative disease. It is important to keep it under control. Proper care and precautions must be taken to avoid any serious injury.

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Home Remedy

  • Exercise and yoga

Proper Yoga and light exercises help to flex the body and may reduce discomfort, it also strengthens muscles around the neck. one should add exercises like the rotation of the lower part of the body and stretch the spine to their daily regimen. know more


  • It is Unfortunate that there is no accurate cure for spondylitis. However, there are Many treatments available which can help you to feel and function better and reduce the pain and symptoms associated with spondylitis. Your goal is to manage your spondylitis, so you can lead an energetic life.

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