How to Manage Tendonitis with Compression Wear – November 30, 2022

Tendonitis is when the tendons or the tissue that attaches muscles and bone become inflamed due to overuse. Tendonitis is usually a painful, recurring condition that can worsen over time if left untreated. Tendonitis affects many adults with active or athletic lifestyles, and can occur around knee joints, hip flexors, wrist, elbow, shoulder, and feet.  […]

Knee Brace – Does Quality Matter? Yes, It Does!! October 31, 2022

Benefits of a Knee Brace A knee brace is an effective method of supporting the knee throughout the day and reducing additional pressure caused by standing for long hours, athletic activity like running or jogging, and chronic knee pain.  Lumino Cielo manufactures a contoured knee pad to maximize comfort for daily use. With therapeutic warmth […]

Alternative Therapy for Knee Pain

Chronic Knee Pain Living with a chronic condition means experiencing daily discomfort and navigating symptoms as they impact everyday life and decisions. Chronic knee pain is the constant inflammation of the knee joint accompanied by sharp shooting pain, or dull throbbing pain.   Lifestyle Impacts Chronic knee pain has multiple lifestyle impacts. There is a constant […]

Types Of Knee Injuries Precaution

The following precautionary measures are important to avoid Knee injuries Maintaining proper leg posture Avoid direct traumatic blow to the knee Warm up before starting playing outdoor games  Home Remedy Some of the home remedies applicable for Knee injuries are as follows: Adequate rest and restricted movement of the knee joint help to heal up […]

Types Of Knee Injuries Symptoms

Depending on the type of Knee injury and the severity of the injury the symptoms can vary.  However, common symptoms of all these knee injuries are pain and inflammation. In strain and sprain types of knee injuries, pain and swelling gradually develop and difficult to move the leg. In MCL and LCL Injuries, a significant […]

Types and Cause Of Knee Injuries

Sprain: A sprain is a common type of knee injuries, in which during stretching of the knee may ligament is not ready to stretch and try to hold its position. This acts against the force stretching and resultant of this leads to a knee injury.   In this type of knee injury, the chance of ligament tearing […]

Types Of Knee Injuries

Knees are very vulnerable lower limb structures often have a verity of injury.  The knee joint has several anatomical structures including bone, articular cartilage, meniscus, collateral ligaments, cruciate ligaments, and tendons.  Any Injury affects these structures are termed as knee injuries. The knee injuries were categorized as ACL, MCL, LCL, PCL, medial meniscus and lateral […]