Headache and Fever Causes

Tension headaches accompanied by fever may result due to overwork, stress, and anxiety. In the metropolitan cities of India, tension headaches are very common. The over-worked urbane Indian who usually drinks and smokes suffers from regular headaches and fever. Migraines often cause severe headaches and fever. Women are prone to migraine more than man and […]

Spondylitis Treatment

It is Unfortunate that there is no accurate cure for spondylitis. However, there are Many treatments available which can help you to feel and function better and reduce the pain and symptoms associated with spondylitis. Your goal is to manage your spondylitis, so you can lead an energetic life. The most common forms of treatment […]

Spondylitis Home Remedy

Exercise and yoga Proper Yoga and light exercises help to flex the body and may reduce discomfort, it also strengthens muscles around the neck. one should add exercises like the rotation of the lower part of the body and stretch the spine to their daily regimen. Heat or cold therapy By applying hot water bottle […]

Spondylitis Precautions

spondylitis is a degenerative disease. It is important to keep it under control. Proper care and precautions must be taken to avoid any serious injury. consult an immunologist and get proper drugs which will help to reduce the inflammation. Physiotherapy of the back is also beneficial, braces are also helpful to keep the spine in […]

Spondylitis Symptoms

The most common symptoms of spondylitis include: Stiffness around the neck. Unable to rotate the head freely, the sharp pain felt on twisting. Abnormal curvature of the spine. Discomfort on performing movements, or even simple walking, it’s worse especially in the morning Spinal movements are restricted. Fusion of the bony structures in the spine which […]

Spondylitis Causes

In Spondylitis, there is inflammation in the lower part of the spine, including the vertebral bony structures and the joints between them. It’s not known exactly what causes spondylitis but according to the reports in many cases, we can observe a link with a unique genetic component termed as HLA-B27. According to the researchers, 8 […]

Slip Disk Treatment

Almost 87% of patients suffering from disc herniations don’t need to go through surgery. The primary step is a diagnosis, a proper history taking, and evaluation, through physical examination and appropriate medicines can heal most of the cases, however, the proper treatment process includes, Medicines– Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen is generally prescribed. This drug […]

Slip Disk Home Remedies

There are a lot of remedies available which can give a temporary relief from the pain. Walking; simple walking is the best remedy for Slip disk patients, regular walking for 10-15 min on the interval of every 4-5 hour can make you feel better but remember never push yourself beyond the limit. Light exercises and […]

Slip Disk Precautions

Proper care should be taken to prevent further damage. Don’t relax too much and steer clear of actions. Research shows that it’s essential for you to stay energetic as well as maintain your own regular actions whenever possible. Lift weights in a proper safe way with care. Stop smoking, it makes the spinal tissues more […]

Slip Disk Symptoms

If someone is suffering from a sudden, severe sharp pain in the lumbosacral region or the lower then it might be because of slip disk, the pain increases at the time of coughing, sneezing lifting objects. Sharp pain in the lower back region; in most of the cases, it is unilateral. Tingling or numbness or […]