Measures can be taken to prevent varicose veins from worsening, these include:
- Regular exercise
- Losing weight
- Elevating the legs
- Avoiding prolonged standing or sitting
- Quit smoking
- Stop alcohol consumption
- Improve dietary regimens
- Wear the right pair of shoes
- Take rest intervals during long hours of standing or sitting
Home Remedy
Here are the few tips to manage varicose veins without any side effects:
- Massage gently by applying the upward strokes to relieve blood pooling
- Use compression stockings to prevent the backflow and facilitate the smooth flow of blood
- Use apple cider vinegar as a part of your daily routine. Take a glass of water and add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Stir it well and drink the mixture twice a day for one month to have positive outcomes.
- Cayenne pepper – miracle treatment! Add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to a glass of hot water and mix it well. Drink this blend thrice a day for one or two months.
If you don’t respond to home remedy or if your complaint is more severe, your physician may recommend one of these varicose vein treatments:
- Medications
- Sclerotherapy in which solution is injected in the varicose veins that closes the veins
- Laser treatments/ surgeries
- Ambulatory phlebectomy, the procedure in which smaller varicose veins are removed via a series of tiny skin punctures
- Endoscopic vein surgery