Knee Pain Cause

The possible causes of knee pain include:

Simple sprain or strain: Simple sprains or strains of the knee joint can be the outcome of an unusual activity or sudden force on the knee joint and cause knee pain.

Anterior knee pain: Front of the knee and spreading to the part of the knee cap is termed as anterior knee pain. The reasons behind this type of knee pain are overuse of knee joint, previous injury, weakness of the muscle, slight displacement of kneecap

Damage to the menisci or cartilage: Meniscus or knee cartilages provide cushioning to the knee and due to its shock absorbing property can protect sudden shock and protecting knee joint. But sudden twisting of the knee can damage or torn meniscus. This can cause Knee pain.

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder, which can create chronic knee pain or recurrence episode of knee pain. This is a joint degenerative condition.

Tendonitis: Tendonitis is the inflammatory condition of the tendon, which can develop due to excessive jumping activities.

Bursitis: Fluid accumulation surrounding the knee joint due to prolong kneeling or repetitive knee over activity known as Bursitis. This also causes knee pain and aggravate the pain symptoms during the knee bending.

Torn ligament or tendon: Ligament or tendons tightly bind bony structures. The ligament can tear during forceful running activities like during playing of football or rugby. Knee bending becomes difficult as it worse knee pain.

Bleeding into the joint: Haemarthrosis is the bleeding condition occurs in the joint space due to tearing of cruciate ligament and can cause knee pain.

Osgood Schlatter’s disease: In this condition bony lump is formed due to damage of the growth spurt. This usually occurs in overactive children who took part in jumping, running or cyclical bending on the knees.

Gout: Increased level of uric acid turned to a crystalline form and can accumulate in the joint space. The result of this causes knee pain.

Infection: Infection in the knee joint or septic arthritis is a serious condition which causes severe knee pain.