Compression Socks & Travel

Travel Trends post-Covid

As Covid related travel restrictions have relaxed in the last year, there is a sharp increase in air travel across the globe. People are traveling for business and pleasure. According to an independent study, 67% of American travelers will be traveling for leisure in the next 3 months alone. As travelers try to make up for lost time by flying to their destinations, it is important to note the importance of using compression socks to help alleviate discomfort and potential health issues during air travel. 

Benefits of Compression Socks

Compression socks are typically thought to be beneficial for older people with a range of medical issues such as:

  • Varicose Veins
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Diabetes related neuropathy pain
  • Post surgical complications like blood clots, etc

However, compression socks are actually helpful for individuals at any age. They provide improved circulation and blood flow in the legs to anyone who is sitting down for long periods of time, even if they are young and maintain an active lifestyle. 

Compression Socks and Long Flights

Inactivity causes reduced blood circulation to your legs. For some people, this can result in mild discomfort or slight swelling in the feet or ankles. However, for those with existing circulation issues, this can cause moderate to severe fluid build up or edema which results in swelling of the legs and increases one’s chances of developing a blood clot. 

It can be difficult to get up and walk around while on a long-haul flight. Turbulent travel conditions and narrow aisles discourage travelers from exercising outside of their seat area. You can perform easy exercises in your seat like pointing and flexing your toes or rolling your ankles to help engage your leg muscles. 

Wearing a graduated compression sock or stocking can also help improve the blood flow to your legs along with the seat exercises. Compression wear squeezes your legs muscles to keep the blood flowing and improves your circulation, even whilst sitting down for long periods of time.

Quality Matters

Not all compression wear is equal. From the amount of compression in the sock, to the materials used to make the sock, and its care and upkeep – all these factors contribute to how the compression sock works to improve your blood flow and circulation. 

Quality also determines how comfortable you will be wearing the socks during long travel days. Well-made socks balance the right amount of graduated compression for maximum circulatory benefits, with a comfortable fit that encourages you to wear them for longer periods.

Lumino Cielo

At Lumino Cielo, we provide the best quality compression wear to help provide alternative and all-natural treatments. Our graduated compression socks come in a variety of sizes and are made from natural fibers to provide  maximum benefits for all our users. 

Join our thousands of satisfied clients who benefit daily from our scientifically engineered and perfectly fitted pain management products ranging from compression stockings, knee braces, ankle, and wrist braces.

Our products are available for purchase at , Amazon, FlipKart, and other major retailers across the country.

Visit us today to learn more about our selection of compression wear and where to purchase.