Shoulder Pain Causes
Frozen arm: If you have suffered from a frozen arm after you have slept on one side of your body for too long. A frozen arm is a heavy dangling from our shoulder joints. After a time the joints in the shoulder cannot take it anymore and the pain begins. Patients recovering from a […]
Shoulder Pain
Shoulders symbolize strength and power because our neck and arms are supported by the muscles and bones in our shoulder. If our shoulder weakens we as a person also tend to turn weak. Shoulder pains might be indicative of some problems in the back or neck. Shoulder pains spread only over a small area and […]
Headache and Fever
Headache accompanied by fever is a common bodily ailment. Every one of us had to suffer from it sometime or the other in our life. Some adults have headaches as a regular feature and it even affects their lifestyle. Amidst our busy life if we are constantly suffering from excruciating pain in our head and […]
Chikungunya Symptoms
Often symptoms of chikungunya in infected individuals are mild and the infection may go unrecognized, or be misdiagnosed in areas where dengue occurs. To discuss chikungunya symptoms, the one which comes first is about the abrupt onset of fever which is frequently accompanied by chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, and rash. The other commonly […]
Chikungunya Causes
Chikungunya is found to be caused by the chikungunya virus, which is classified in the genus Alphavirus and the family is Togaviridae. Aedes aegypti is the primary Aedes mosquito which is responsible for Chikungunya. It is spread by mosquito bites. Before the genome organization and replication strategy was been discovered, the chikungunya virus was placed […]
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Venous Skin Ulcer Precautions
People most at risk of developing a venous venous skin ulcers are those who have previously had a venous skin ulcers. You can help reduce your risk of developing a venous venous skin ulcers in several ways, such as: Wearing a compression stocking Losing weight Taking care of your skin Quit smoking Eliminate alcohol use […]
Venous Skin Ulcer Symptoms
Venous skin ulcers are open, often painful, sores in the skin that take more than a month to heal. he first sign of a venous skin ulcer is skin that turns dark red or purple over the area where the blood is leaking out of the vein. The skin also may become thick, dry, and […]
Venous Skin Ulcer Causes
The root of the problem is increased pressure of blood in the veins of the lower leg. This causes fluid to ooze out of the veins beneath the skin. This causes swelling, thickening and damage to the skin. The damaged skin may eventually break down to form an ulcer. The increased pressure of blood in […]
Varicose Veins Precautions
Measures can be taken to prevent varicose veins from worsening, these include: Regular exercise Losing weight Elevating the legs Avoiding prolonged standing or sitting Quit smoking Stop alcohol consumption Improve dietary regimens Wear the right pair of shoes Take rest intervals during long hours of standing or sitting Home Remedy Here are the few tips […]