A Guide to Plantar Fasciitis and Solving it with Compression Socks

Plantar Fasciitis Defined

Plantar Fasciitis is when the fibrous tissue along the bottom of the foot, known as the Plantar Fascia, is inflamed. The Plantar Fascia runs from the heel to toe. Most people who suffer from Plantar Fasciitis feel pain and stress on the soles of their feet. It is exacerbated by standing, walking, and most forms of daily physical activity.


Common symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis include:

  • Pain – both in and around the heel area
  • First step pain which occurs after sitting or being asleep. The actual first step after a prolonged period of resting the feet causes a dull or sharp pain in the feet and makes walking difficult for a short period
  • Sudden or gradual pain in the feet. This depends on the severity of the inflammation and can occur over a period of time or acutely, as with first step pain


There are many causes for Plantar Fasciitis ranging from lifestyle choices to physical attributes. The following are the most common:

  • Increased activity like walking or running that places more pressure on the soles of the feet
  • High-impact running or walking surface like concrete or asphalt
  • Running or walking shoes lacking adequate heel and arch support
  • Natural gait, posture, or the shape of foot. Some individual’s physical characteristics cause increased pressure on the Plantar Fascia
  • Excessive weight that puts constant added pressure on the feet


Treatment plans for Plantar Fasciitis vary based on the severity of the inflammation and the duration of dealing with chronic pain. Here are the most common options:

  • Mild cases with occasional flare-ups can be treated with –
    • Icing or cold compresses to reduce inflammation
    • Rest and reducing pressure on the feet through weight loss for example.
    • Stretching to help improve the condition of the Plantar Fascia
    • Compression socks to add support for arches and heels
  • Moderate cases with regular flare-ups and chronic pain require interventions like –
    •  Physiotherapy to help strengthen muscles and improve any issues with gait or posture
    • Modifying physical activity to reduce pressure on the foot
    • Orthotic inserts to provide added support to footwear
    • Compression socks to maximize support to improve blood flow and circulation to the foot
  • Severe cases with daily pain and constant inflammation might require –
    • Medication to help manage chronic pain
    • Steroid injections to help combat inflammation
    • Surgery (extreme instances)
    • Compression socks to provide continued support throughout the day

Benefits of Compression Socks

Compression socks provide support to the soles and arches of the feet. They typically help by significantly reducing swelling and inflammation while improving the blood flow and circulation to the foot. Well-made and properly designed compression socks can be worn with orthotic inserts and all-day to provide maximum comfort. They are also effective at reducing first-step pain, gradual pain that builds up during a long day of standing on one’s feet, and even acute twinges of pain when inflammation is at its peak. 

Lumino Cielo

At Lumino Cielo, we provide the best quality compression wear to help provide alternative and all-natural treatments. Our Plantar Fasciitis compression socks come in a variety of sizes and are made from natural fibers carefully engineered to provide maximum benefits for all our users. Our high quality compression socks for plantar fasciitis will hold their compression strength for years and through multiple washes in the washing machine or by hand. This product is scientifically engineered to preserve its support for a long usage with rough and tough handling.  

Living a pain free life is the best gift one can receive. This festive season, consider Plantar Fasciitis socks from Lumino Cielo as a gift for your loved ones for Dussehra, Diwali, or Christmas. They are amazing at providing support and comfort.  The durable and high quality materials provide excellent compression.

Join thousands of our satisfied clients who benefit daily from our scientifically engineered, high quality and perfectly fitted pain management products ranging from compression stockings, knee braces, ankle, and wrist braces. 
Our products are available for purchase at www.luminocielo.com , Amazon, FlipKart, and other major retailers across the country. Visit us today to learn more about our selection of compression wear and where to purchase.