
Prevention is the primary way to protect oneself from chikungunya. No vaccine for chikungunya virus is available, nor drugs are available to cure the infection. Avoiding mosquito bites can be a precaution to stay away from chikungunya infection but better precautionary measure should include the elimination of mosquito breeding sites and create social awareness. For personal safety one can definitely follow the below steps:

  • Use of mosquito repellents on skin and clothing.
  • The rooms should be well-screened.
  • Bed nets must be used while sleeping in not-screened or air-conditioned areas.

Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to avoid mosquito bite, even when one is working outdoors during day times.

But, the better way is always to have a holistic approach to eliminate chikungunya fever, rather than the temporary precautionary measures. Reducing the number of natural and artificial water-filled container habitats can be the primary objective towards prevention and control. The chikungunya mosquitoes rely heavily on those water reservoirs, as it supports the breeding of these mosquitoes. The affected communities should also be mobilized whenever required. In the case of outbreaks, insecticides must be sprayed to kill flying mosquitoes. This insecticidal spray should be applied to surfaces in and around containers where the mosquitoes land. A proper treatment of water in containers to kill the immature larvae can also support in eliminating chikungunya.

Home Remedies

There are various effective home remedies for treating and controlling the symptoms of chikungunya.

  • Ice Compression is effective to relieve joint pain. For this wrap the ice cubes in a hand towel and compressed it for 10 to 15 minutes of the affected joints. The direct application of ice should not recommend in the chikungunya.
  • Fill the bathtub with warm water and add some Epsom salt and soak the body for half an hour can relax the body pain occur during chikungunya.
  • Several analgesics and anti-inflammatory herbs like garlic, ginger, turmeric need to add in the diet during chikungunya.’
  • Papaya leaves juice is a very effective home remedy to treat chikungunya.
  • Massage the body with black seed oil can help to treat pain related to chikungunya.


A considerable limitation has been observed in the case of treatments for chikungunya fever as there is no specific treatment for chikungunya. The treatment in such cases wholly depends on supportive therapy that can relieve symptoms.

  • The administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and plenty of rest may be beneficial for a patient with chikungunya fever.
  • In the case of joint pain using antipyretics, optimal analgesics and fluids can also be the options.
  • The patient infected with chikungunya should be isolated as much as possible from mosquitoes in order to avoid transmission of infection to other people. As already mentioned that there is no commercial chikungunya vaccine available in the market.
  • Lumino Cielo manufactured several effective supportive devices, which can provide relief from chikungunya related joint pain. For example, Lumino Cielo Arthritis Gloves With Compression For wrist and finger joint pain, Lumino Cielo All-Day Compression Socks for ankle joint, Lumino Cielo Compression Socks with Copper Infused Fibers for lower limb pain, Lumino Cielo Athletic Compression Knee Brace for knee pain are available in the Amazon with a best possible price.