Benefits of Plantar Fasciitis Socks

If you have ever experienced a sharp pain in the heel or bottom of your foot, you may be familiar with a common condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis affects millions of people around the world, causing pain and impacting their ability to have an active lifestyle. Luckily, an effective solution exists in the form […]

A Guide to Plantar Fasciitis and Solving it with Compression Socks

Plantar Fasciitis Defined Plantar Fasciitis is when the fibrous tissue along the bottom of the foot, known as the Plantar Fascia, is inflamed. The Plantar Fascia runs from the heel to toe. Most people who suffer from Plantar Fasciitis feel pain and stress on the soles of their feet. It is exacerbated by standing, walking, […]

Plantar Fasciitis Precaution

Certain precautionary measures need to apply in Plantar Fasciitis, which include Walking, standing, running, jumping all the foot activities increase pressure in the plantar fascia. Therefore it is very important to avoid the increasing the pressure on this tendon. Therefore, sufficient rest of the foot is most important precautionary measure in Plantar Fasciitis. You should […]

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms

The primary symptom of the Plantar Fasciitis is a pain, which can arise in any part of the inner side of the foot or beneath the heel. The pain arises gradually at the initial stage, but in advance stage, the pain intensity rises up. The usual location of the pain in Plantar Fasciitis is 4 […]

Plantar Fasciitis Cause

Straining of the ligament which provides support to heel arch causes Plantar Fasciitis. Straining may obtain due to repetitive over stretching of the ligament anatomically termed as the plantar fascia.  Over use of the plantar fascia gradually leads to inflammation and thickening of the tendon. An inflammatory condition of the plantar fascia hurts the adjoin […]