carpel tunnel syndrome precautions

It’s always better to take precautions in order to keep yourself away from any disease. To avoid leg pain you must Stay hydrated Maintain a normal weight Quit smoking or any other hazardous habit Eat healthy Exercise regularly  Leg Pain Home Remedy Acute and minor leg pain can be alleviated by some home remedies. You […]

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are related to the discomfort of the wrist and palm of the hand. The symptoms of the carpal tunnel syndrome are restricted only on the upper limb and associated with the tingling sensation of the thumb, index and middle fingers. This sensation is not a continuous, which can appear […]

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Causes

The carpel tunnel is the narrow passage for the median nerve of the forearm. The median nerve pass through carpel tunnel can provide sensation to the palm, fingers (except little finger) and thumb. The signal come from the median nerve is also important for muscle contraction and relaxation present around the wrist. Squeezing of carpel […]